Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3 year-old Successfully Calls 911 for Ailing Mother

Guthrie, OK

3 year-old Madelyn Eaves knew just what to do when her mommy fell down in a faint, thanks to a simple song she'd been taught: "911, green!" Her mother, 24 year-old Jessica Eaves, suffers from vasovagal syncope, a condition which causes her to faint regularly. By itself, the condition is not life-threatening. However, Ms. Eaves is three months pregnant, and even a slight fall could be hazardous to her health and the baby's. That's why, just a week before she fainted, Ms. Eaves taught her daughter the simple lyrics "911, green!" and showed her how to press the number buttons, followed by the green button on her BlackBerry phone. 911 operators were able to reach the house by asking little Madelyn questions about her house and the cars parked nearby. What a clever mommy and daughter combo!

To learn more, visit,2933,371229,00.html

Outward Bound Team Safe and Sound

Fresno, CA, US

Searchers have found nine missing teenagers and two missing adults who were part of an Outward Bound hike in the central Sierra Nevada. All eleven of them are fine. The group failed to meet up with the next guide in their journey, and were officially reported missing on Wednesday. Fortunately, just hours after the report, the group was found safe at the Florence Lake Store, where they had hiked to call for help.

For details, visit

Coming Soon to an Airline Near You: In-Flight Internet Acces

If you're anything like me, by now you're used to hearing the latest "how-the-airlines-are-going-to-screw-me-over-now" news stories. For the cause of saving the airlines' gas money, we've lost free baggage checking, free food, and free drinks. We have to pay extra to reserve window, aisle, and exit row seating. One by one, the pleasures of airline flying are being taken away.

That's why I was excited to read that American Airlines is trying a new approach: offering something extra. Starting Wednesday, passengers on select flights will be able to test in-flight internet service. In the coming weeks, the internet will be made more widely available, for a cost of about 10-13$, depending on flight length. There will not be any attempt by the airline to filter what passengers have access to; any inappropriate material, such as pornography, will fall under the same category as a carried-on magazine or DVD, and flight attendants will be responsible as always for enforcing protocol.

It remains to be seen whether this internet service will be worth the money. Of course, if it's painfully slow, intermittent, or otherwise unreliable, I don't imagine it'll take off. (No pun intended, but now that I've made it, HA!) On the other hand, if I could chat with my friends, watch You Tube videos, read movie trivia, or even update the Goose from 30,000 feet, I'd probably fork over the 10$. Sure is a hell of a lot more tempting than that 5$ bag of "trail mix".

To find out more, visit

Jack in the Box Giving Tacos for Gas Receipts

For all you taco lovers out there, check this out!

Tomorrow, June 16th, Jack in the Box restaurants across the nation will be giving away free tacos! With sympathy for the average American suffering from rising gas prices, the chain promises two free tacos to any customer showing a recent, original gas station receipt. Sweet!

For more details visit