Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kidnapped Kansas Woman Returned Safely to Family

Viola, KS, US

48 year-old Joyce Patterson was kidnapped from the convenience store where she worked last Monday afternoon. Her personal things were left at the General Station Country Store, and the cash register had been emptied. There was no sign of a struggle. The ice in Joyce's drink had not yet melted when she was discovered missing.

For days, family, friends and neighbors held out hope that Joyce would be returned to them, though authorities admitted that it could be a "worst-case scenario."

In a miraculous change of events, Patterson's unidentified captor dropped her off at her Pastor's home at around 10:30pm on Thursday. Apparently the kidnapper was moved by the pleas on the local news for Joyce's safe return. Although the man remains at large, Joyce has been safely returned to her family. She is fully cooperating with police and providing them with as much information as she can, despite having been blindfolded and tied up for most of her ordeal.

To read more about the kidnapping case, visit http://www.kansas.com/213/story/447950.html

Drinking Water on Its Way!


The government of Burkina Faso, European Investment Bank and French Development Agency have come together in a thirst quenching trifecta dedicated to improving the supply of drinking water in Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso.

When completed, Project Ziga, as the venture is named, will bring the level of potable water to 30,000 cubic meters per day, as well as extending the radius of areas able to reach that water.

For the orginal link, check out:


and if the thought of living in an area where drinkable water isn't readily available in the blazing summer sun has you wondering what you can do to help, check out this site, with helpful water conservation tips:
