Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fritzl Update: A Surprise Thank-You


The famed victims in Austria's Fritzl family have surprised the officers who protected them from paparazzi and public scrutiny in the first few months following their rescue. Apparently unannounced, Elizabeth Fritzl and all six of her children arrived at the police station last week with a gift basket, complete with bottles of wine and hand-made posters and thank-you cards from the children. One of the cards said "During the initial, most difficult period you gave us a lot of strength and security. We will always fondly remember you and hope that our contact won't stop."

The chief of the police station, Karl Gschoepf, called the visit "[a] really nice gesture," continuing, "we were touched."

Faithful Goose readers know that I can never resist publishing good news about the Fritzls, however trivial, considering their past. This latest bit makes me especially happy, because I imagine that they've cleared a certain hurdle in their healing process to be able to give thanks to those who have helped them so far.

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