Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gas Prices' Downward Trend: 20 Days and Counting!

According to a survey of gas station credit card swipes across the country, gasoline prices have fallen for the 20th consecutive day, resulting in a national average down by 25 cents! The AAA reports that this is an indicator of drivers turning to more environmentally friendly transportation options as well. In related news, yesterday's Washington Post reported that 10% of the police car fleet in Howard County, Maryland is made up of hybrid vehicles. Good for the environment, good for the pocket.

Gas trend details:

Howard's Hybrid decision well rewarded:

Random Acts of Kindness in the DMV

Good news turned up in the Washington Post's Metro section today! 'Random Acts' is an occasional column for Washingtonian inhabitants to share stories of kindness done to them, by them, or within their line of sight. Each is quite short, so I'll let their authors tell you the story in their own words: