Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cat Survives 16 Mile Journey Under the Hood of a Running Car

Irvine, CA

After driving 16 miles from Anaheim to Irvine, CA, an anonymous driver pulled her Honda over when she heard odd noises issuing from under the hood. When she got out of the car, she realized that the loud wailing sounded just like a cat. After popping her hood, the driver was stunned to find an adult black cat who had somehow wedged himself behind her right headlight, beneath the hood. The woman immediately called 911.

When rescue workers arrived, the car's engine was still so hot that they were unable to access the trapped kitty. Eventually, loosening the car's headlight gave way to a crack wide enough for rescuers to tranquilize and, eventually, extract cat.

Miraculously, "Miles," as the cat has now been named, survived the ordeal without a scratch or even a burn. Miles is micro chipped, however thus far his owners have not come forward. He is currently up for adoption in Irvine.

For the full story, visit: