Friday, July 25, 2008

Pilots and Passengers Survive Explosive Decompression on Plane

Manila, Philippines

About an hour into their flight from London to Austrailia, passengers aboard the Quantas airliner heard the sound of an explosion. According to Michael Rahill, one of the passengers, it sounded "like a tire exploding, but more violently." A 2.5-3 yard hole had been ripped in the side of the plane, for reasons yet to be determined. The hole lead directly to the baggage compartment, and some of the cabin was exposed as well. Oxygen masks appeared for the passengers, and the plane began to descend. Amazingly, those on board managed to stay calm. "No one was very hysterical," said passenger Marina Scaffidi, "The plane kept going down not too fast, but it was descending."

The plane diverted to Manila, where the pilots managed to land it safely. There were no injuries among the 345 passengers. They have been put up temporarily in hotels as they wait for other available flights. What could have been a major disaster has instead become an inconvenience.

Authorities are investigating the cause of the explosion, and it's certain that the airline will have some explaining to do in the coming weeks. However, I think it's safe to say that this time they have a decent excuse for losing people's luggage.

To read more and view pictures, visit,2933,391024,00.html

Thanks to the Gander for that last one liner ;-)