Tuesday, June 24, 2008

God(dess)(e)(s) Bless the USA

A recent study conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life showed that 70% of Americans agree that 'many religions can lead to eternal life.' Of the 2/3rs of Americans polled, 80% of those who support religious tolerance towards other faiths were Jews, Hindus and Buddhists. Majorities of Evangelical Christians, Muslims, and Catholics also agreed. This finding is based on telephone interviews with over 35,000 adults conducted in the early summer of 2007. Since the majority of Americans also answered that they were in fact religious, this study points out that while religious affiliation is alive and well in the U.S., tolerance and support for religious diversity in the nation is as well.

For a much more detailed article on the state of religious beliefs and their political implications, including a nifty, easy-to-read bar graph, y voila the original article from the IHT:

And here's the Pew Survey homepage: http://pewforum.org/

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