Friday, June 27, 2008

Non-Profit Organization Comes to Farmers' Rescue

Ellendale, ND

North Dakota farmer Richard Olson feared for his family's livelihood when he suffered a debilitating accident last year. Without being physically able to plant the farm's crops, Olson faced the prospect of renting out their land and loosing the farm forever.

Thanks to Bill Gross, professional UPS pilot, that didn't happen. In his spare time, Gross runs an organization to help struggling farmers like Olson to make it through the year. Gross, who grew up on a farm, recalls how different farming used to be: "Years ago, when there was an accident or an injury, neighbors would usually come and help each other. Nowadays, there are fewer family farms and fewer children on those farms, and it's just not as easy for neighbors to help one another anymore." It's no wonder, when you consider that the number of farms in the US has dropped 67% since 1910.

Gross's organization, Farm Rescue, aids families like the Olsons by helping with the planting and harvesting - not by giving handouts. Says Gross, "We don't give out money to farmers, this is not a handout or a bailout for any farm family. It's just to help them through the year so they can continue." And it's working. Of the 60 or so farmers Farm Rescue has helped, "[m]ost of [their] cases are success stories where [they] help the family out and the next year they're able to do it on their own."

Read the full story at

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