Thursday, July 3, 2008

"Urban Trails" Get Moving


The West Michigan Trails and Greenway Coalition is taking significant steps in order to increase the number of sidewalks, which they refer to as 'urbain trails' in their area. The community has expressed a desire for more sidewalks in order to allow for easier and more extensive circulation for those people in wheelchairs, as well as for the general public to get out of their cars and get walking! The grant's sponsors have been happily surprisd with just how universally supportive the community is. If the Federal Government approves this 'rails to trails' funding, then the residents of West Michigan will gain $50 million dollars to put towards their goal of decreasing people's dependency on cars, clearly a public benefit in this time of increased concern over enviromental issues and Michigan's suffering economy. The Disability Advocates of Kent County also report that they have been very impressed by the reaction of the community in favor of making the town more accessible for handicapped citizens.

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