Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Restaurant Customer Anonymously Leaves the Tip of a Lifetime

Algonquin, IL, USA

After working as a waitress at the Montarra Grill in Angonquin for three years, Michelle Secreto probably has the menu memorized. She had two suggestions at the ready for a couple who came to the restaurant last week and requested gluten-free meals; Ms. Secreto recommended two seafood specials.

While not the most ordinary of interactions between customer and waitress to begin with, the anonymous couple turned their visit to the Montarra Grill into an unforgettable experience for Secreto when they left her the tip of a lifetime: 1,000 dollars.

Secreto plans to use the money to send her daughter, 12 year-old Ashley, on a school trip to Washington DC later this year.

To read more, visit http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,414363,00.html

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