Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Talking Parrot is an Unlikely Hero

Denver, CO, USA

Willie the parrot became an unlikely hero when he alerted his owner, Megan, to a life-threatening emergency. Megan, along with her pet bird, was babysitting for 2 year-old Hannah when the toddler began choking on a fragment of pop tart. Megan was in the bathroom at the time, when she heard "Willie . . . screaming like I'd never heard him scream before and he started flapping his wings. Then he started saying 'mama baby' over and over and over again until I came out and looked at Hannah and Hannah's face was turning blue . . . " The young woman quickly performed the Heimlich maneuver, dislodging the obstacle. Still, she credits her bird with the rescue, saying "If (Willie) wouldn't have warned me, I probably wouldn't have come out of the bathroom in time because she was already turning blue, her lips were blue and everything." Nicely done, Willie!

To read more, visit

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