Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pet's Sixth Sense Saves Infant's Life

The Goose would like to bring you a special story today, provided to us by author Jean Barto. The following is an excerpt from her latest book, (POD) PET WONDERS:

"With joy and anxiety, we brought Alicia, our preemie, home from the hospital. We were happy to have our baby home, but anxious because her physical condition necessitated a heart monitor.

Now another baby, Mandy, an 80 pound Old English Sheepdog, who had had attention plus until Alicia arrived, was a little put out that she was not allowed near the baby. She was a bright, silly, sometimes stubborn dog, but lovable. She had always been fastidious before, but now she started pooping and peeing all over the house. I guess negative attention was better than no attention at all. After a few days, we allowed Mandy to come close to the baby and even lick her face. That changed everything. Using the rug as outside grass and a chair leg as a private fire hydrant stopped. She must have felt that, finally, she had a place back in the family inner circle.

The baby's room was next to ours, and we kept the doors open in case the heart monitor sounded an alarm. Days went by, and all went well. One night, Chuck felt Mandy scratching and pulling his arm. She was barking and whining to awaken us. Chuck jumped up. Mandy ran into the baby's room, Chuck close behind. The monitor had malfunctioned. The alarm had not sounded. Alicia had gone into cardiac arrest. We grabbed her and immediately started CPR. We brought her back. Thank God and Mandy.

Alicia is now a healthy college student. We will always wonder how Mandy knew something was wrong. Had Alicia made a sound or was Mandy so tuned into her labored breathing that she sensed a change? We'll never know, but will always be extremely grateful to our shaggy friend."

Told by Valerie Rayca
Written by JSB

A special thanks to Ms. Barto for contributing and spreading the good news!

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