Thursday, June 5, 2008

Miracle Baby Beats the Odds

Nottinghamshire, England

Jodie Percival lost her first son, Thane, to multicystic dysplastic kidneys (MCDK), which causes cysts to grow on the kidneys of an unborn baby. Her second son, Lewis, was born with serious kidney damage and now lives with just one kidney. Despite being on birth control, Percival became pregnant a third time. She and her fiance were heartbroken to learn that the baby would likely inherit the untreatable MCDK, and, eight weeks into the pregnancy, decided to terminate.

It seems, though, that the baby had other ideas. Some weeks after the procedure, Percival felt a fluttery sensation in her stomach. She was astounded to learn that the embryo had survived the termination and she was 19 weeks pregnant.

Doctors performed a scan one week later which revealed the baby's kidneys to be unhealthy, but they predicted that it would survive. Percival decided to give the baby another chance.

Late last year, baby Finley was born three weeks premature. Although he had suffered some kidney damage, doctors expect him to live a normal life.

For more information and an adorable picture, visit

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